Managed IT Services & Support
We provide you with the solutions
to help make your organization more successful.
Laptop/Desktop Repair and Maintenance
Virus, Malware and Ransomware Protection
Business Continuity, Data Management and Backup Plan
Network Design
Cloud Services
Cyber Security
Device Repair & Troubleshooting
From printers to servers we’ve got you covered. We manage all your devices and even manage vendors if the equipment is leased.
Remote or Onsite Management
Whenever you have issues we will be there to troublehshoot no matter where you are
Updates, Installation & Change Management
We make sure you machine is up to date with all security and enhancement packages. We manage your installs, changes etc.
Servers, Desktops, SAN, Virtual etc
We have the knowledge and expertise to manage your various IT equipment
Data Management, Backup, & Recovery
Data is an integral component of business these days and needs to be handled as such. From making sure you have access from anywhere to ensuring bussiness continuity we have the solution for you
Cloud Solutions
The new buzz word in the industry is Cloud. Giving you the flexibility to have your data accessible and secured gives you peace of mind so you can worry about other things.
Backup and Recover
We emphasize the importance of having good backups in the event that you have to restore missing or lost data. This is also essential in making sure you shield yourself from ransomware threats or anything else that might come your way.
Business Continuity
These days it is important for your business to keep running no matter what happens. We make sure you can run your business at anytime from anyplace no matter the situation
Network & Connectivity
Connectivity is key! Wether you are in the office and need to ensure device connectivity or you are working remotely and need to access office resources we can help
WiFi, LAN and Remote
Making sure you are connected whether wirelessly, plugged in or remotely
Switches, Firewalls, Routers etc
Network devices are our thing! We make sure everything that’s inside can connect and anything that’s outside that is a threat doesn’t get in.
Phone, SDWAN, SIP etc
We keep you talking and connected form anywhere!
Cybersecurity & Threat Prevention/Mitigation
Data is an integral component of business these days and needs to be handled as such. From making sure you have access from anywhere to ensuring bussiness continuity we have the solution for you
Virus, Malware Threat Protection
Using industry leading tools and policies we protect your environment from risk of threats or breeches
Threat Detection and Prevention
We block threats that may enter your environment from every direction. We also implement policies that cover lost or stolen devices.
Ransomware Prevention and Mitigation
Ransomware is one of the biggest threats facing businesses today. We implement solutions to prevent it from happening and to restore your data without paying a ransom in the odd event you get compromised
We're Here To Help!
Snellville, GA 30039
M-F: 6am – 10pm
S-S: As needed
Call Us
(678) 749-7444